
Using My networks..

So, last week I did nothing.Pretty much. Essays took over my life for the entire week and I didn't want to start anything arty because I couldn't focus long enough on it to do it properly...buuuuut now all my essays are done and I started my week off by taking some photos through a small wire cube with wool through it. That really doesn't sound exciting though does it? it came out ok though I promise. Have a gawk.... 

Oh and you know that camera/screeny thing at reception in college...looook



Some things take forever..

For the past week I've been working on some stop motion videos. aaaaah. They take so long to do. (note to self: invest in a tripod) 
Here is the one I've been working on :)

I've been looking for inspiration from other artists. I managed to come across this clip:

This guy is amazing. His name is David Ellis and does alot of what he calls 'Motion Painting'
Would love to be able to do a huuuuge stop motion like this one. 


Galavanting around the college..

Tubes = a network...... or so I think anyway. 
I set out to find different networks around the college ( see below ). On my travels I found wool, wire, cables, scarves, electric things, twigs and steel. Lucky me. 

What have these got to do with my project? Good question. 
Well, I want to start breaking down the tube line and exploring the individual parts. Possibly putting them into different contexts? 

P.S...Working on another stop motion  ;)